SQL Questions

1) What is UNION and the difference between UNION and UNION ALL?

Answer: UNION merges the contents of two structurally-compatible tables into a single combined table. The difference between UNION and UNION ALL is that UNION will omit duplicate records whereas UNION ALL will include duplicate records.

2) What are the different types of JOIN clauses?


  • INNER JOIN: Returns all rows for which there is at least one match in BOTH tables.
  • LEFT JOIN (or LEFT OUTER JOIN): Returns all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table. This means that if the ON clause doesn’t match any records in the right table, the JOIN will still return a row in the result for that record in the left table, but with NULL in each column from the right table.
  • RIGHT JOIN (or RIGHT OUTER JOIN): Returns all rows from the right table, and the matched rows from the left table. This means that if the ON clause doesn’t match any records in the left table, the JOIN will still return a row in the result for that record in the right table, but with NULL in each column from the left table.
  • FULL JOIN (or FULL OUTER JOIN): Returns all rows for which there is a match in EITHER of the tables. Conceptually, a FULL JOIN combines the effect of applying both a LEFT JOIN and a RIGHT JOIN; i.e., its result set is equivalent to performing a UNION of the results of left and right outer queries.
  • CROSS JOIN: Returns all records where each row from the first table is combined with each row from the second table (i.e., returns the Cartesian product of the sets of rows from the joined tables).

3) Will NULL be included in counts?

Answer: No, if one customer_id is null then the following statement will not include it,

SELECT count(*) AS cust_not_123_total FROM orders WHERE customer_id <> '123'

4) What will be the result of null values in the NOT IN condition?

Answer: If the set being evaluated by the SQL NOT IN condition contains any values that are null, then the outer query here will return an empty set, even if there are many runner ids that match winner_ids in the races table.

5) Write a SQL query to find the 10th highest employee salary from an Employee tables

Answer: SELECT Salary FROM (


) AS Emp ORDER BY Salary LIMIT 1;

6) Write a SQL query using UNION ALL (not UNION) that uses the WHERE clause to eliminate duplicates. Why might you want to do this?

Answer: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE a=X UNION ALL SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE b=Y AND a!=X

The key is the AND a!=X part. This gives you the benefits of the UNION (a.k.a., UNION DISTINCT) command, while avoiding much of its performance hit.

7) List and explain each of the ACID properties that collectively guarantee that database transactions are processed reliably.

ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) is a set of properties that guarantee that database transactions are processed reliably. They are defined as follows:

  • Atomicity. Atomicity requires that each transaction be “all or nothing”: if one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails, and the database state is left unchanged. An atomic system must guarantee atomicity in each and every situation, including power failures, errors, and crashes.
  • Consistency. The consistency property ensures that any transaction will bring the database from one valid state to another. Any data written to the database must be valid according to all defined rules, including constraints, cascades, triggers, and any combination thereof.

  • Isolation. The isolation property ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that would be obtained if transactions were executed serially, i.e., one after the other. Providing isolation is the main goal of concurrency control. Depending on concurrency control method (i.e. if it uses strict - as opposed to relaxed - serializability), the effects of an incomplete transaction might not even be visible to another transaction.

  • Durability. Durability means that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain so, even in the event of power loss, crashes, or errors. In a relational database, for instance, once a group of SQL statements execute, the results need to be stored permanently (even if the database crashes immediately thereafter). To defend against power loss, transactions (or their effects) must be recorded in a non-volatile memory.

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